Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cleaning Products without Chemicals

Years ago, I told Michael I needed help. Working long hours just didn’t give me time to clean the house and take care of the gardens. He said to choose which one I wanted to do and hire out for the other.
I love to garden. Also, not much happens in a garden for several winter months so there is a bit of a vacation from it. A housekeeper was hired. All was right with the world.
Before I was diagnosed, aromas began to irritate my lungs. Heavy perfume, hair spray and even some deodorants made me feel like I couldn’t breathe.
Cleaning products also became a problem.
A friend told me about an environmentally friendly product on the market called METHOD. It is a line of cleaning products made to not irritate skin and contains no harsh chemicals. I tried them and they are the only products in our home. I buy them at Target.
If you have an issue with aromas, I highly recommend this entire line of products. Try them.
Next: Why I Fight So Hard

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