Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pulmonary Symposium and Rehab

I never spoke in class at school. In my senior year in high school, I took a required Speech class and loved it. I especially loved having the audience’s emotions in the palm of my hand. It was addictive and I won several speaking awards. Michael said he would never argue with me because he could never win. The trophies were proof!
When I was Head of the music program, almost every day I had to give a formal speech, serve as MC, teach a class or talk in front of groups of interested parents. No problem.
So when the lung team from the hospital asked me to be the final speaker at a seminar for pulmonary doctors and specialists from around the country, I did not hesitate. They asked me to speak about being diagnosed, the cause, my philosophy and especially my diet and exercise/rehab programs.
Apparently, most doctors do not recommend rehab for restrictive lung patients, as it does not help the disease. I spoke about rehab improving a patient’s quality of life as well as provides social and emotional support.
While speaking with the doctors afterwards, I heard their frustration that patients are not willing to do the work of rehab and will not follow a diet. I asked that they please offer it to their new patients but also try to inspire them to give it a try.
It was many months later I read that it is now recommend that pulmonary rehab be prescribed for restrictive lung people. Nice.
If you have a lung or heart issue, please seek out a rehab program at your local hospital. Insurance or Medicare will cover the cost for the first eight weeks but maintenance is not covered. It costs me $28.00 a week. Is a better quality of life worth $28.00 a week? Just do it.
Next: My Dad, Frank Sinatra and Rehab

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