Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Wonderful Dr. K.

I had an appointment with Dr. K. this week. Before I saw her, I did two Pulmonary Function Tests – Spirometry and DLCO. These numbers would be compared to the last tests in April. (I had the stomach surgery in February and the April tests showed that there was a problem.)

The Spirometry numbers did not change from previous tests but the DLCO in April had dropped to 10. Not at all good. Dr. K. felt that my esophagus issue after the surgery was causing the DLCO to drop.

So, the tests this week were the first ones since we fixed the esophagus problem. The DLCO went up almost 3 points! The highest it has ever been. I hit 13!! Amazing.

She also asked if I had the H1N1 vaccine. My county has been having problems getting their allotment, so within minutes I got one. She said that I should have it as I am on two immune suppressant drugs.

Also, for years I have seen Dr. K. every 4-6 weeks. Last year, she extended our appointments to every three months. At the end of the appointment this week, she looked at me and asked, “Do you think we should try for six months?” I said, “We have never been separated so long! Let’s give it a go.”

See you in June, Dr. K. I hope.

Next: Whining

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