Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring into Spring

I think I am feeling so healthy, it has allowed me to do things that I have not done in years. I also realize that I am noticing all the goodness that life has to offer.

Spring has had a huge impact on me this year. I am so aware of the bulbs blooming, the baby goats at the goat farm, the garden bursting with goodness, the light of the afternoon sun, the soft rains, and the urge to talk to every baby in the grocery store.

Spring = Renewal

I feel so renewed. So fresh. So healthy. It is the first time I have felt so good in at least seven years. I don’t know if it my weight loss, the meds, the exercise, the food, fixing the problem with the acid reflux surgery or maybe a culmination of all the above but I feel like I could conquer the world.

Yes, I still need sleep and take care with energy conservation but I am able to add outings for the first time. It still takes a day to recover where it used to take a week. We even had houseguests for the first time and I did not get sick afterwards.

For the first time in years, I feel that there are no borders around me. I can try to do anything I want to do.

Well, within reason.

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