Saturday, May 29, 2010

Farewell Lunch with Friends

I had my final lunch with some friends from rehab over a week ago. She is the woman who finally had her kidney transplant last December and her husband who is in my rehab class. They are moving to the big city to be closer to my university hospital because her kidney transplant requires a lot of continuous testing.

We met at a sweet French café after I worked out at rehab. I had not seen her since the transplants last December. She looked fantastic and the bloating she had in her mid-section was all but gone. I think she has lost at least 30 pounds. It was all fluid from the bad kidney. She only had one kidney left and it was failing. The new one is doing well. (Her perfectly matched donor was her adopted son.)

It was so great to sit and talk and just be with these two marvelous people. I will miss them both.

We promised to keep in touch.

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