Sunday, August 29, 2010

37 + 58 = Happiness

My calendar somehow got crazy again. With Dreamgirls, followed by an early morning breakfast with a dear friend followed by a party at Rick and Natalie’s house to celebrate our anniversary and Michael’s birthday, I am done.

Next week, our 37th Anniversary is Wednesday, September 1st and Michael’s 58th birthday is Friday, September 3rd. He loved the dates being so close together because he said he would never forget our anniversary!

One year, when I was working at the school, Michael surprised me on our anniversary when I arrived home from the school’s workweek. He was dressed up in a sports coat and nice slacks, had bought a CD of music from 1973, and set the table for dinner. It was the same menu as the picnic we shared together all those many years ago when we were dating. He even found the horrible wine we used to drink. It was truly awful but fun to discover that our tastes had become much more refined.

What was the best is that he brought out our wedding album. We had not looked at it in probably 20 years. We roared with laughter. Were we ever that young? Did we really have such horrible style?

We danced and sang to the music, sipped the wine then ate French bread with salami and cheese and some fruit. It was so thoughtful and sweet.

Usually, we go out to dinner to celebrate his birthday or our anniversary and I cook something special for the other day. For years, I made Ming’s Chinese Chicken Salad for our anniversary. I learned to make it years ago and just might share the recipe. It is the best.

Mark and Marianne gave Michael a gift card for dinner at a really nice restaurant as thanks for rescuing them in Oregon. This year, we are planning to celebrate Michael birthday there. I just don’t know what to cook for our anniversary dinner yet as it usually is a decision we make together. I like to get his input. Guess that is one reason we are still married!

Another year. Another year grateful that I had another year.

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