Sunday, August 15, 2010

Black Thumbs/Black Orchid

As you know, dear reader, I love to garden. What I am not so good at is houseplants. I tend to kill them. I tend to forget them. I don’t know why. Just a fact.

Our friend Don loves orchids. Before his divorce, he used to have hundreds in a greenhouse. He and the orchids moved out and, for a high fee, he paid someone at an orchid warehouse to take care of them, as there were too many for his new loft. Apparently, they are all about the proper water, food and light. They have always been a mystery to me.

A few years later, he went to check on them only to discover that most were stolen, dead or neglected. He removed the remaining ones and brought them home to his loft. Last year, he gave me three of his babies, ah, orchids. I had to be a responsible mother to these plants. I haven’t killed them yet but they certainly have suffered neglect.

Then, a miracle happened.

The top photo is of a rare Black Orchid. It is in bloom! My first one! My baby!

The next photo is of an ordinary one beginning to produce a bloom. It is also is my first one for that plant. The other orchid is just hanging out having fun. No flowers.

I now have begun to pay attention to them. I am watering them more often, feeding them, adjusting the light and will probably end up killing them with all this attention.

My black thumbs have suddenly turned green!

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