Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hot Weather - Can't Breathe!

Heat hot. Hot weather. We who live along the coast love the cool evening ocean breezes, the fog that seems to hang on all summer and the mild winter temperatures. It is often 15-20 degrees cooler than the other side of the hill during the summer months.

But, it was hot yesterday. Unusually hot. It was 91 degrees here along the coast and it was nearing 100 on the other side of the hill.

I went over the hill to the rehab class yesterday, one of only eight people, and the air conditioning system was broken. No fans, either. People with lung disease need a cool environment with air movement. The air was slightly moving but it was all hot air! Not what we needed! The RNs told us to cut our time on each machine, drink plenty of water and not push too hard. It was difficult and I left totally soaked in sweat.

From there, I drove to the butcher shop and Trader Joe’s because we were totally out of food. It was a struggle. Driving home, the traffic was slow as everyone was heading to the beach to cool off.

So, I finally got home in the late afternoon, unpacked all the groceries, placed the three new garden plants I had bought that morning, then opened all the windows. It felt great. I needed some oxygen to recover from the day, which is very unusual for me.

The heat is exhausting. I just can't breathe. I plan to stay in tomorrow to recover.

I am so looking forward to the Fall!

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