Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lunch at Nordstrom's

I still find it a bit of a challenge to eat out. Since we are heading across the county, I need to learn how to order the food I want, not necessarily what is on the menu. Last week, I had to return some things to the mall and decided to eat lunch at Nordstrom's Café before the rehab class. Since it was early, there were just a few people in the Café.

All the salads had many things I could not eat: orange segments, apples, croutons. Plus, they were so large and Nordstrom's don’t offer a half salad. I really didn’t trust the dressing either. 

Moving through the menu, the soups were creamed. No. 

The pastas? No. 

Finally, I looked at the sandwiches with a different eye. Hmmm.

When I ordered, I warned the lovely lady that it was going to be a bit weird. I ordered the Santa Fe Chicken Sandwich with no cheese and no bun with the small salad on the side. It arrived covered in sweet cooked onions with a side of fresh avocado and another side of a highly spiced mayonnaise. It was perfect and delicious and just the right portions.

The waitress who delivered it to the table asked why I was eating this without the bread. When I explained that I have to eat a very specific diet due of the medications I take, she told me that I should go to Weight Watchers. Clueless.

While this discussion was happening, two lovely older ladies were sitting just a table away from me. They said that had overheard the conversation and began to ask some questions. I briefly told them about the disease and the complications with my body processing some foods due to the long-term prednisone use. They understood it all right away. What really made my day is that they said that I looked “fantastic” and they would never know I was so sick. It made me feel so good and encouraged me to kick up my routine in rehab. Pushed more. Worked harder.

Also, I caught myself in a mirror at the butcher shop on Friday and was shocked how my face has changed. I suspect that I have lost close to 15 pounds so far and it is really showing there and not so much on my hips! Ha! I see Mr. B., the nutritionist, in two weeks. We’ll see how much I have lost this month but I am really beginning to see the results of all my hard work. So satisfying.

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