Thursday, April 28, 2011

Liquid Diet Begins Today

I visited my nutritionist Mr. B on Wednesday morning. I weighed in and lost just 5 pounds. I was disappointed. I felt I had lost more….The new challenge will begin today.

For the next three months, I will eat nothing other than protein shakes and bars. I am now close to the 30 BMI needed to begin the lung transplant qualifying process. I don’t want my weight to become an issue throughout the process, so I wanted to be well under the stated maximum BMI.

The goal – Forty pounds in three months.

The process – Four 200-calorie “meals.” The morning with start with a meal supplement shake. Next will be another type of shake or pudding followed by one of the following: potato soup, chicken soup, or oats. The final meal of the day is a protein bar.

I must also drink 12 cups of water a day.

The downside:  I will be cold, have bad breath, very dry skin, lose lots of hair, have constipation, brittle nails, muscle cramps, and will feel tired, weakness and maybe some nausea. Sounds like a lot of fun, doesn’t it?

But, I will be finished. I will be ready to begin the qualifying process. That was my goal this year.

Well, maybe I am not all the way done. I think I want to lose another 10 pounds after the fast. We’ll see if the doctor will let me go for it. I will be very close to the minimum BMI of 25 to begin the lung transplant process. Ha! 

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