Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ankles + Traveling = Cankles!

One of the problems with people with a lung disease is that when traveling for hours in a plane or a car, fluid does not move easily back up through the body. Suddenly, my ankles would grow to many times their normal size. 

I have some knee-length support hose I bought at a medical supply place. They worked really well. I wore them 24/7 unless I was taking a shower. I just spoke with the RN at the rehab class and she said that wearing the support hose 24/7 can break down the skin so it is important to remove them at night. Another lesson learned!

In Charleston when it was really hot, I wore some shorts so I couldn’t wear the stockings. That evening, my ankles were swollen due to the heat and humidity. It took two days of wearing the hose for them to return to their normal size.

I remember that they were expensive – around $70.00 and that was over five years ago. But, they were worth it. They have lasted all these years. If you have a problem with swollen ankles, try them. They really work.

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