Friday, June 24, 2011

Liver Clinic Visit #2

I had the follow up visit with the Liver Clinic yesterday. I had been referred there by the horrible doctor who misdiagnosed me with a serious liver disease instead of the pneumonia I had brewing in my lungs. The liver people had discovered that I had a slightly fatty liver, which they believe was caused by the prednisone. They wanted some follow-up tests to see if I had any of the precursors to a more serious liver disease.

I arrived 40 pounds lighter than the last time they had seen me in late January. They were delighted to see the weight loss. The results from the fasting blood tests taken in March were reviewed. All looked good. I did not have the precursors to the more serious liver disease.

The doctor wants to have another sonogram to see if the fatty liver is a lot less fatty. If not, he is going to want a biopsy. He is confident that, with my dramatic weight loss, there should be an equally dramatic change with my liver.

Let’s hope. I just don’t want to go into the hospital for another biopsy.

The doctor also said that I am their poster patient and that I am doing everything right. He and the resident asked how I had lost the weight, I gave them the information and they are going to start referring  their patients who are struggling with weight issues to the Weight Management Clinic. That made me feel really good. There will be hope for others.

From the hospital, I drove to my rehab class and made it in plenty of time. I arrived in my dress and jacket. Sherman was very impressed! All the nurses passing by made comments and Sherman told me to stand up and show off! I think he was proud of my weight loss, too! I changed into appropriate clothing and worked out. 

As I had left the house for the long drive to the city at 8:00AM, saw the liver doctor, bought some more of my horrible food for the next month, drove back to my rehab class, worked out then drove home, I was exhausted. I am afraid I am getting the virus Michael is fighting. I am beginning to cough and have lots of postnasal drip. With this long day behind me, I was asleep by 8:00PM.

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