Monday, June 6, 2011

New Friend? Er, No.

During the orchestra rehearsals with the chorus for the last concert, I began to chat with a woman in the chorus. She asked for my phone number, called and we met last week for tea.

We had to meet near her home as she is also disabled and would have to walk to wherever we met as her car had been stolen. She can’t afford to buy a new one.

As the conversation continued, I learned that she lives with her mom and step-dad in a very negative environment, she has three children, all of whom live with their fathers, she was diagnosed with bipolar when she was 18-years old and is living on just $800.00 per month.

I am okay with all of the above. Stuff happens.

During the conversation, she mentioned that she depends on others to drive her around. Someone drives her to the chorus rehearsals and concerts. She wanted to join another chorus but she needs someone to drive her. 

Then, it happened. She wanted to know if I wanted to go to concerts – and by the way she would need a ride. She wanted to know if I could go to a museum with her – and by the way she would need a ride. She wanted to know what we could do together. At that point, I realized that what she really wanted from me was another person to take her places. I also realized that it would grow to other things like needing a ride to doctor appointments, etc.

I told her that my stamina was limited and having no immune system, I was not able to be around people or crowds. So, we could meet for a chat and a cup of tea once in awhile.

We’ll see if I ever hear from her again.

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