Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Snake Oil

For many years, I listened to Dr. Dean Edell on the radio on the way home from the rehab class. One of his pet peeves was homeopathic medicine. He explained that one took whatever was a problem and put a drop of it into a gallon of water. Then a drop of that water was put into another gallon of water then a drop of that was put into different gallon of water, etc. Eventually, it was like having a drop of the problem in a swimming pool then sold to the public as homeopathic.

He kept asking for double-blind studies to prove the claims of cures. None have ever been proven to be the cure for any problem.

When going through the Workmen’s Comp lawsuit, the other side’s doctor who evaluated me asked if I was doing any of the homeopathic processes to get the mold and fungus out of my lungs.

In fact, I was being pressured by someone to go to a chiropractor of hers to get the mold out of my lungs! It was going to be very expensive.

I told the doctor that I had not and that I did not want to do anything that may possibly get in the way of my medications, diet and exercise program. He told me not to do it as it was a huge waste of time and money. He also told me that I was one of the few to arrive in his office without doing it.


So, last week, a friend crossed over a line. It makes me not want to make myself very available to her anymore.

I met her in the rehab class many years ago then they bought a house and moved about 50 miles away. She often would have an appointment in this area and we would meet for tea. We stayed in touch. We were friends.

She just phoned to tell me that she is now a distributor of ionized water that will change my life. She feels so much better. It oxygenates blood.


“How can drinking water put oxygen into your blood system?” I asked.

“Oh, it has oxygen in it and it is absorbed into your system. Only 15% goes into the stomach!” she replied.


She continued, “Oh, we are going to get FDA approval.”

Right. I know the process because of all the drugs in the pipeline that I have been following. Her statement was made to make someone feel that it is a soon-to-be-proven health benefit.

She asked if I believed in homeopathic alternative medicine. I was honest. “No. I guess I have listened to Dr. Dean Edell for too many years. I also have to tell you that another person in the rehab class has been a distributor for this “oxygenized water” and was talking with the RN about it. The RN laughed and said it was a scam as oxygen can not be absorbed into the blood but only through the lungs.”

There was a long silence on the phone then, “I have to tell you that I feel so much better and need less oxygen just by drinking this water. It really helps. The doctor in Japan who sells this water insists that his patients drink it after surgery.” Snake oil salesman.

A long silence from me.

Then I got the hard sell: Can we meet tomorrow? When can you buy one? It is installed on the faucet and is not expensive when you think of the health benefits. I can send you a bottle to try.

I told her I would have to read the information. I also thought to myself that I wouldn’t be answering the phone anytime soon.

I also know that it is time to distance myself and slowly remove myself from the friendship.

Very disappointed.

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