Monday, August 22, 2011

Rehab Written Report to Dr. K.

Though I had only been to rehab once last week, my numbers were amazing.

While on the treadmill at 3.4 mph on 2 liters of oxygen, my saturation rate was 100%. A first. Ever. If I had been off of any oxygen, I probably would have been above the 89% minimum. In other words, I was working out hard and my saturation level was not bad. Good, in fact.

Rather remarkable.

This Tuesday, my 3-month written rehab report is due for Dr. K. The RN will note my blood pressure, heart and saturation rates as usual but they will also take a blood pressure while working out. They have a list of questions they ask and report back to the doctor. Things like, "Do you sleep through the night?" or "Are you in any pain?" or "How do you generally feel?"

My doctor always mentions these reports when I see her. It gives her a good snapshot of how I am currently doing in the bigger picture.

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