Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Breakfast Date and a Recipe, Too!

A date. A breakfast date this morning. We are going to head over the pass to the Avenue to a tiny, funky restaurant which holds lots of memories for us. When I was working at the school, we would drive there early in the morning, have a nice breakfast together then kiss goodbye on the sidewalk and head to our workplaces. When I was sick, we would continue to go there on occasion as it felt like some kind of normalcy when nothing was normal anymore.

We have not been in quite awhile. Michael has been dreaming of their oatmeal pancakes. I will have the egg beaters and chicken apple sausages and forgo their marvelous potatoes and toast.

We will kiss goodbye on the sidewalk and head in different directions - he to his shop, me to the other rehab just a few miles away.

I will not be carrying my oxygen to rehab anymore. As of yesterday, I am totally oxygen free. The saturation rate stayed above 89% at all times. In fact, the average on all the machines was between 91% and 94%. All good enough. First time in six years I have been oxygen free except at night. We will contact Dr. K. next week to arrange a sleep study to be sure I don't need it at night.
After rehab, I am making Pumpkin Gingerbread Cake Balls dipped in white chocolate as little take home gifts after Thanksgiving dinner. The recipe is here:

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