Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday Lunch

I have an appointment with my lung doctor, Dr. K. next Wednesday. With their new computer system, I was able to send her an e-mail yesterday to suggest that I probably need a chest x-ray before my appointment. I am feeling so much better, the antibiotics have been finished for almost a week but I still have a light, sporadic upper respiratory cough.

Within hours, her reply was in the inbox, orders are now at the front desk and I will swing by to grab them on my way to the x-ray department. I am hoping it is just the end of my latest bronchitis and it needs a bit of a shove out of my lungs with some antibiotics.

Also, I have to cancel both sleep studies that are scheduled for next week as I still need oxygen in rehab. I am a bit sad about it but realize that it is the result of the infection in my lungs. I will work hard to get it all back again.

This afternoon, I am thrilled to host Natalie and her kids for lunch along with Jeannette. When I took over the music program, I hired both these women to teach classroom music and choir. We were a great team. It was the most successful time of my professional career. We have not seen each other for five years. It is time.

Afterwards, I am heading to mom's to deliver a storage container she ordered from Amazon. She had her first physical therapy appointment for her back yesterday and I want to hear all about it.

Another busy day. Sunday, I am planning to live on the couch!

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