Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday Together

A day together. It was nice. We went over the pass in the morning, I dropped him off to do some chores then headed to the other rehab. The weather was beautiful with highs in the low 70s. There were a surprising number of people working out on a Sunday morning. I did my normal hour routine which felt fantastic though I was still a bit sore from Saturday's gardening. 

Next stop - the butcher. While waiting for my order, a man next to me ordered some lamb for a lamb stew, too! We started to chat and I swear we talked food for twenty minutes. He learned how to cook from his dad and actually had written down the recipes in a little black book. We both were making our lamb stews and his dad was invited for dinner. It will be a surprise to have some of this homemade bowl of goodness. 

Next Saturday, our former neighbors Jay and Nancy will be joining us for a surprise birthday party for their son-in-law. We had been with them in March for Jay's 80th birthday party and had a chat with Mike about bourbons. He knows and loves wine but had not delved into bourbon yet so he had lots of questions for Michael. So, yesterday I bought a bottle of Angel's Envy for his present. It is Kentucky Bourbon. It is also a bit sweeter and easier for a newbie. 

After a quick run to Trader Joe's, we were home in time to watch the Giant's game but no garden time. It was too cold here on the coast! There was sun for moments and it looks to be the same fog and drizzle until the end of the week. Maybe sun on the weekend? I hope so!

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