Friday, November 30, 2012

Learning from Friends

Natalie and Oliver came by for a visit yesterday morning. He is soooo adorable. We were able to keep him busy and happy while having great conversations. One was about my jump into the world of yoga. Natalie said that she now realizes why we worked so well together and why we like each other: both high energy. The more we have to do, the more we can do! I think that if we were doctors, we would work in the ER. Adrenaline junkies. She is just now realizing this about herself. She is LOVING working three jobs and driving between them and juggling all their challenges. She loves how the days fly by. Her children are happy with their schools. All is right in the world.

She said that she is realizing that she is like a race horse. She needs to run. Needs to be stimulated and busy to feel like she is in her groove. I so understand. I felt fantastic when I was juggling tons of balls in the air at work. It is what I missed most when I became ill. It all suddenly stopped and the days were endlessly long with nothing on my list of things to do. Pulmonary rehab helped. Making new friends really helped and suddenly, I was reinventing my life.

What Natalie also said is that she realizes that she needs to exercise her body and has been doing yoga for many years. It calms her. It centers her. I am so hopeful that it does the same for me.

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