Wednesday, October 23, 2013


My computer is going to be an easy fix and will visit the computer operating room as soon as the needed parts arrive. Thank goodness! Until then, Michael's iPad is doing a good job.

At the rehab class yesterday, I did the full load and I am beginning to see definition in my thighs again. It did wipe me out and I slept long and hard last night. The weather has turned cold here. No sun the past few days and blankets have been piled on each night.

Skin update: having never had things frozen off of my body before, it was rather weird to have a big one on my arm fall off yesterday leaving a tender, red cavity. They have all increased in size and hardened and I expect more to fall of in the next few days. Very tender!

Today, I am returning to yoga hell and an orchestra rehearsal. It will be a long day so I will try to nap this afternoon.

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