Saturday, November 9, 2013


I woke up almost two hours later than usual. Guess old people need more sleep! HA! Today, I turn a huge page. I am now 60-years old. Sixty! So very old sounding. Mom and I were talking about what 60 used to look like in the 1950s. The older women all wore the same type of dresses, the style the teacher wears in the movie with Ralphie - A Christmas Story. They all wore their white or gray hair in a "set" that they done at the beauty shop every week but no comb was ever used throughout the week then the next appointment it was "set" once again. Would have driven me nuts. Exercise? No. They did not exercise in gyms or eat organic foods. They did have extra time that most working women just don't have today. They had coffee klatches and volunteered at hospitals and churches and schools and libraries. But, I am so grateful that I had the opportunities that my grandmothers never were given. Never dreamed of.

This 60-year old of today is active, careful with food choices, tech savvy, happily married, thrilled to be a mother (though not a grandmother yet!) and just happy to be alive and out into the world. Michael and I are going to put the top down on the car and drive the ridge through the redwoods to a little town about an hour away. We will find some lunch somewhere and just be together.

That is all this 60-year old wants for the day.

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