Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Spirit of the Season

It was an unusual day for me to not leave the house yesterday - except for two runs to Safeway. Since mom was not feeling well, I stayed home and cooked two pans of baklava for gifts, wrapped Mary's presents, cooked dinner, cooked chicken and mango chicken sausages for breakfasts and a pound of sugar glazed walnuts for my mom when I see her on Friday. She is going to need a bit of goodness. Thankfully, she saw a doctor soon enough as she was headed for pneumonia again. All this kitchen work took just over four hours. It was so satisfying.

I did my weekly food shopping at Safeway but didn't realize that I forgot the honey to pour onto the baklava just after it comes out of the oven until I put the first pan in to bake. Quickly, I flew back into town, grabbed the honey and prayed that the car would not break down, there would be no accident to close the highway or any other issue that would prevent me from being home when the baklava was ready to come out of the oven. I made it! Both pans were cut and placed into four shipping tins this morning for my brother, Mary, Anna and the people at Michael's work.

Today is going to be fun. After dragging all the gifts to the UPS store, I am going to the city to meet with the beautiful Susan for lunch before our ILD Support Group meeting, which will feature a cookie exchange. I bought some special cookies and will not be bringing any home with me. We don't want them in the house to tempt us nor do I want to eat anything made by non-professionals. I don't want to share germs. It will be fun to see everyone as I haven't been to a meeting in several months.

It is so cold here, I find myself coughing when I breath that chilled air. My saturation rates are lower than usual. I am trying to be mindful of it, walking a bit slower, not talking while walking, breathing through my nose and out my mouth. We both slept really well last night and woke up about an hour later than usual. Michael just flew out the door to work looking like the Michelin Man, clothed in layers beginning with thermal underwear! I will be in my new festive heavy red sweater and new grey cords. The cold makes me feel like the holidays and it was fun to watch a DVD of White Christmas while cooking yesterday. I am beginning to feel the spirit of the season.

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