Tuesday, February 11, 2014

ILD Support Group Meeting Today

Shirley Temple. Mom and I were just reminiscing about her last week. They were the same age and mom so wanted curly hair like hers when she was a little girl. Apparently, most little girls wanted to be like her. Mom met Shirley Temple-Black years ago at a political women's group and just told me something I had never known: She and dad went to Shirley Temple's daughter's wedding. How did that happen? Mom can't remember the circumstances behind the invitation but she does remember the wedding. In the world of child stars, she was a nice, normal person who loved her husband of over 50 years and her three children. Rest in Peace.

Yesterday, Mom and I dropped into my favorite Costco (I go there once a year for an eye exam and to order my contact lenses) to make an appointment for an eye exam and to have mom help me pick out some new glasses. Well, the doctor took me right in, had the exam, ordered new RED glasses and a year's of contact lenses. We were starved afterwards (I was an hour late for my diet food) and I remembered a place where I used to eat - a crepe place. I loved their buckwheat crepes but since I have learned I can no longer eat such things, I have not been there for at least three years. We arrive, the owner remembered me, didn't mind that I brought my own food, I ordered an iced tea, mom enjoyed a killer steak Tex Mex crepe and we were serenaded by French music during lunch. She LOVED it. We will return.

Michael is not feeling well. I think he has a touch of food poisoning. He had a Polish at his favorite deli yesterday and has been up all night. He is going to stay home today while I will drive into the city to pick up some of the diet food and for the ILD Support Group meeting. It will be our first one since Susan died. Thankfully, the focus will be the speaker on Connective Tissue Diseases and ILDs. I will take notes and report back to you, dear reader.

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