Saturday, March 1, 2014

Forgot Morning Medications

We climbed out of bed yesterday to notice that magic had happened. The Angel's Trumpet tree had ten, big, beautiful bells blowing in the wind of a storm. They were magnificent.

I really had my act together yesterday morning. I remembered to pack a new book to read on the treadmill, my lunch on ice, a pair of shoes to wear after working out, my oxygen, a Prevention Magazine to give to my mom, a check to pay the mortgage, drank my liquid diet breakfast then took off right on time. I did it all.

It was when I was way over the pass and very close to rehab when I realized I had not taken my morning medications. My prednisone. My bactrim, My imuran. All very important. If one is pulled off of prednisone too quickly, I know it can do real damage to the adrenal glands on the kidneys. Not a good thing.

The weather was bad. There were storms blowing through and flooding advisories. What should I do?

After working out, I drove down to mom's, threw her in my car and we headed back over the pass. There is a fabulous deli in town which serves sandwiches on their homemade bread. I thought we would pick up a half sandwich for mom's lunch on our way to the house. Another stop. When we finally got home, we got involved looking out the windows to see the gardens and I was able to show mom the Angel's Trumpets. Oops! Take the medication!!! By now, it was 10:30, only two and a half hours late. Not too bad. Still...not smart.

We played two hands of cards, had lunch then drove north along the ocean. The ocean was alive. No surfers! A rare event. We wove our way through Devil's Slide and the new tunnel before heading back to her house.

It certainly was an unexpected day and we enjoyed being together but I need to remember my medications!

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