Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Noble Goal

We had just checked out at CVS near mom's house and while I waited for the clerk to bag something, mom returned our cart to its spot near the front door. The clerk stopped me and said, "We need more people like you two. You are so happy and positive it brings the energy up of the whole store." I told her that mom was going to be 86 in August and she said, "She is almost dancing."

It was a that moment that we both glanced out the large windows to see mom actually dancing! The clerk said, "See! She IS dancing!" We smiled at each other.

What a gift it is to spend so much time with her at this time of our lives. What a gift to have a mom who never complains or offers unsolicited advice. What a gift that I am still alive and able to haul groceries for her or drive her to doctor's appointments.

Before CVS, we had gone to In-N-Out Burger for a hamburger for her. There was an older guy there (I think he is older than I am!) who always takes care of us. He brings our order to the table, refills our drinks, opens the door when he see us coming, stays and chats on and off while we eat. Just a nice man. He said he likes us because we are always happy.

It sounds so simple. A smile. A kind comment. Some interest in others. It brings rewards of human contact in a world where that is losing ground to technology.

To quote my dear 89-year old rehab boy Sherman, "It is my goal every morning is to make someone laugh."

What a noble goal.

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