Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Latest Research for ILDs

The head of research for Interstitial Lung Diseases spoke once again at the ILD Support Group meeting. There were several newly diagnosed people in attendance. The search for drugs to treat fibrosis in all organs seems to be a focus and almost a race among the drug companies. It will bring in millions of dollars but it will finally offer a treatment for IPF and other ILDs.

Archer once again went through the research process, which were blogged here:
And here:
And here:

The best part of the day for me was an update about the current research projects. I was thrilled to hear that the one study - BIBN - which closed last December and the results are currently being reviewed, seemed to show positive results. This is the study using a cancer drug we learned about after a visit by the doctor who initiated the study. You can read about it here:

It was also rather a surprise to discover that my university hospital was currently enrolling for ten interventional and observational studies. Interesting things like WRAP-IPF which is weighing the risks and benefits of laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery in patients with IPF in a Phase II Clinical Trial. That is the surgery I had, which did a tremendous amount of help in getting rid of my GERD. They are also looking at Biomarker Discovery for Novel Drug Development in IPF called PPG.

Studies coming soon: PIPF031: A treatment protocol to allow patients in the US with IPF access to Pirfenidone.

Studies on hold: LIBERATE: Lung function improvement after Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction with Pulmonx endobrochial Valves used in the treatment of Emphysema.

Active studies no longer enrolling: There are six including one looking at the role of Microaspirations (ROMI), a phase II trial of inhaled carbon monoxide for the treatment of IPF (INHALED CO), and an open-label extension trial of the long term safety of oral BIBF with IPF (1199.33)

Recently Completed Studies: There are currently four including the famous ASCEND study regarding Pirfenidone and my favorite - 1199.34 as a Phase 3 study.

In addition to the trials listed above, they are also conducting several other ongoing clinical research studies in patients with interstitial lung diseases.

Hang in there friends. There is hope of an anti-fibrotic drug on the horizon.

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