Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A Long Frantic Day...and Night

It is no wonder that I had dreams of frantically searching for something all night. Yesterday was very frantic. It started well and I was able to get out of the house and on my way to the other rehab by 7:30. Oops, had to turn around. I forgot the bag of empty copier ink cartridges. Start again.

Over the pass, I arrived so early to the other rehab that it was just the RN and me. No one else was there. We had a lovely chat about her 17-month little boy and music education. It brought me back to all the music we used to teach to our kids at the school. Finally, the workout. People began to arrive and I worked out next to a couple of people I had not seen for a while. More chatting. Finally, I finished up well over an hour later - due to the chatting - before meeting mom at her house.

I had a list. She had a list. We ran around like crazy. Michael's Art and Crafts for her, Office Depot and See's Candy then Nordstrom for me. I did a bit of buying at Nordstrom - a light jacket for only $35.00! While I was doing my paperwork and filing at home during the weekend, I found a $20.00 rebate check from Nordstrom, so I used it to buy our lunch. It was while in Nordstrom that I discovered that my driver's license was missing. My heart stopped. Where was I last? Where did I see it? Suddenly, I remembered that I had carried it with me on the Sunday walk along the ocean. I remembered seeing it on the counter near my purse. I also remembered that there was nothing on the counter when I left home earlier.

My heart stopped again.

After lunch, Mom and I played a wicked card game and she beat me again. I drove back to the coast for a visit to the bank. Deposit. Paid Visa bill. Back into the car for a quick jaunt home to begin the search. My heart was in my throat. I flew into the house and...nothing. It was not on the counter. It was not on the floor. I went through the recycle container searching each piece of paper thinking that the license somehow got mixed up while I was sorting. Nothing. In fact, the large container hit my ribs and I heard a pop. It still hurts. I was feeling frantic. I was thinking and searching everywhere.

Then, I had a lot of recipes to pull together to give to the woman who had been turned down for lung transplants. Lots of recipes. Over 100 of them. I put in the new ink cartridges and finished up printing, then putting them into packets to have them ready to be delivered today. That took over two hours.

During the printing, I got on the DMV web site and made an appointment to apply for a new license, but could not get one for two weeks! I will need it for doctor appointments next week when they ask for photo identification. This would not work at all. I made a plan to go to the DMV first thing this morning. They open at 8AM, I would be there at dawn to wait in a line and spend as much time as needed to get my replacement license.

Through the web site, I found out what I needed to bring to the DMV. They said that they would pull up the photo of the old license and match it up with the person. I saw a problem with that. I am over 70 pounds lighter now. I don't look like that anymore. That may be a problem. Oops, I would need my Social Security card, too. It was in the bank vault. It was 4:54. They closed at 5:00. I made it to the bank with 30 seconds to spare, they took me into the vault, I got the SS card and my birth certificate. I was breathing heavily and preparing for the early morning drama after I got home.

Then it hit me.

I had checked one pocket of the jacket I had been wearing during my walk on Sunday. I thought I should check it again. There it was. In the jacket pocket. Safe and sound.

Relief flooded through my body. I did not have to get up early, I did not have to wait in long lines, I did not have to deal with any of it.

By now, it was 6:30, I still had not eaten dinner, Michael didn't come home until 8:00, I still had to cook his dinner and I wanted to talk a bit before going to bed. There, I tossed and turned and had the searching dreams until 3AM. No more sleep. It is going to be a long day.

My only plans today? To give the head of the rehab program the recipes to pass along to the woman, give the address to a great assisted living facility to Richard at rehab, a quick run into town for gas and fake pasta for dinner tonight and a good workout at the rehab class. That is it. Oh, and a nap later this afternoon. I am going to need it. What a day!

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