Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Blog Audience Countries

The number of hits to this blog have been huge the past few days. With experience, I have learned to check the AUDIENCE button to see what country is suddenly the most active. Usually, the US is first but I am always rather humbled that someone from almost every country around the world has been represented on that list at one time or the other. The past couple of years, the numbers would go up and Russia would suddenly top the list. Someone would just get a bad diagnosis, was in the panic stage, was researching anything they could find and reading most of my past blogs.

For three or four days, the top country on the audience list has been someone in France.

I decided to write this blog to share information and my experiences with a goal that it help someone else also dealing with a bad diagnosis. When I see a jump in the numbers and a specific country hits the top of the list, my heart kind of reaches out for whoever is searching.

My suggestion is to read the first full year of the blog. It tells the story. It gets through the panic phase. After that, cull through the other years and spot read. There is a lot of information there. There is also a lot of hope.

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