Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sixty-two Years

Birthday Boy. He has asked for a quiet birthday. It just began with a cinnamon roll with two candles to go along with a nice cup of Peet's morning coffee. I don't know if that whole quiet thing is actually going to happen. He has to go to work but I know there will be a special lunch with a bunch of people then he will come home to me.

It has been like pulling teeth to find out what he wants to do tonight.

I have offered dinner in (homemade cake included) or dinner out. Last night, I threw out the name every restaurant we know but the nose went up and the head shook "no." I then offered to cook whatever he wanted. Again, the nose.

Our plans for tonight? I haven't a clue.

Today, I am going to yoga for the first time in over a month then a quick stop to have the old eyebrows waxed in preparation for the wedding on Saturday. At my age, it is the fuzz and not so much about the actual eye brow hair. I am also thinking of doing some trimming of a few plants and maybe even cutting the front grass. Or a nap.

It is going to be a day of being prepared for anything.

Happy Birthday, Michael.

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