Thursday, October 2, 2014

First Meeting This Afternoon

Well, I made it to two out of three appointments yesterday. Drive into the city? Fine. Gained less than a pound, which is not unexpected since I have not exercised in over a week. Dentist? Fine. Cleaned my teeth and no issues. Orchestra rehearsal? Not so much.

It occurred to me that I had not been out into the world for several days, still taking an antibiotic for pneumonia and maybe being out late with a lot of other people may not be too smart. I ran it by the nutritionist who just shook his head. Don't go. Rest. Next week is soon enough. I could hear my mother's voice in his giving me the same message.

I stayed home, which had a secondary treat: The Giants Wild Card game! I had forgotten! It was exciting for the first few innings then the Grand Slam. It was over after that. Onto the Nationals.

Today is going to be different. There is a major heat wave hitting the entire area including us on the coast! 80s! We are waaay too delicate for such heat! In October! But, I will leave this unusual beach weather to pick Michael up from work mid-afternoon, drive into the city for dinner and the first meeting of my university Patient Advisory Board.

In preparation for this meeting, I went back through my Medical History document I started when I first got sick. It lists the date, medical or legal appointments and what was discussed. It was so helpful during the lawsuits. Why I culled them was to complete a list of doctors and clinics I have seen since 2004, my first visit at the university hospital. I wanted to bring this list with me tonight.

I am so honored that we have been include in this group. I am also hopeful that we can offer wise suggestions.

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