Friday, November 14, 2014

Crazy, Stress-driven Dream

I am exhausted. Yesterday took it out of me and I have to face more today. The drive into the city was the worst ever, needing an additional hour to make the trek. The meeting with the liver doctor went well, I only have to check-in with them once a year to have a new scan to track my liver function. They will also be writing a memo approving me for lung transplants, if needed. A good appointment!

Then the race began. Back down the peninsula, the major freeway was stopped due to accidents so I had to go another way to mom's house to quickly grab Michael's cell phone and jacket we had left the day before. After a very quick visit, I continued to make my way through horrible traffic to his work to deliver the phone before going to the rehab class. It was such bad traffic that I arrive to the rehab class with just minutes to spare. The reason for the horrible mess? Rain. Not a huge storm. Not lots of winds. Just a drizzle. People here freaked out.

Did I mention that I will do it all again and am even going further into the city this morning?!?!? It is drizzling again...

Stress of Michael incident, dealing with his doctors and waiting for the results of the EEG is invading my dreams. They are wild, crazy and making no sense. Last night, I had a dream that our friend Joanne from Ohio came to visit me at my parent's old house, there were no extra bedrooms for her so she was sleeping on a stair and my sister was sleeping on a stair below her. I felt terrible that she was going to sleep there but she kept insisting that she would be just fine. Such vivid dreams are rare for me.

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