Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thank You Party

We had a sweet day together yesterday. I played chauffeur and didn't scare Michael with my driving too much! Lots of chores were done after we got home so both of us slept well last night. The focus of today is the little party we are throwing at 4:00. Appetizers and cocktails. A simple thank you to the neighbors who did so much for us during Michael's incident.

There is a plan of a quieter week ahead, thank goodness. As Thanksgiving will be at my sister's this year, mom and I are going to buy a little something for her tomorrow. Shopping. Always fun with mom.

So within minutes, I will begin my day dusting, vacuuming, throwing on clothes to do a quick Safeway run, picking up the garden and doing a bit of watering of the pots. Then the food preparation begins. It should be a fun Sunday.

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