Saturday, March 7, 2015

Quiet Weekend

We met Ian and his girlfriend Lynne at British Don's last evening. We asked to meet him after hearing about how he visited Don everyday while he was in the hospital and even when he moved to the rehab center. Before driving him home, he made heart-healthy soups and filled his refrigerator with food. What a guy. Ian had a bypass in 2009 and had helped Don through the process with lots of information and support. He had been there. Done that. He was just as kind and interesting and charming as expected. Lynne was fun and lovely and also so very kind. We enjoy the evening with them, the food we brought was a success and everyone left happy.

It is foggy and cool this morning - good gardening weather! My fingers are itching to get a'weedin' after a quick run to the bank. It is going to be a quiet day. A quiet weekend.

There are 19 days left before Anna and Doug arrive. This weekend, I am going to vacuum underneath the guest room furniture and make sure all is clean and ready for them. So much to do, so little time.

Happy Saturday!

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