Saturday, March 21, 2015

Weekend Filled with Chores

I slept for nine hours last night! The sleeplessness curse has been broken! Or, I was totally exhausted and finally passed out! I feel like I could conqueror the world today! This is the final weekend to do most of the house and garden chores in preparation for Anna and Doug's visit. Anna: the most organized and clean human on earth. The pressure is on.

The timing was perfect yesterday for mom's shot in her eye and picking up Michael from work to head to SF to bring dinner to British Don: Rack of lamb and a huge Greek salad. We arrived earlier than usual and got home before 10:00. I don't remember mush else. Glorious sleep!

It is overcast and a very small amount of rain is in the forecast for Sunday/Monday. That will kick back my window washing until Tuesday. Other than that, everything else should be completed today or tomorrow. I am itching to get started!

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