Thursday, April 2, 2015

Weight On - Weight Off

The long drive up into the city gave me time to be really nervous about the weigh-in with the weight management doctor. There was a reason for the concern as I was up two pounds, which was not surprising after the wild weekend. It has to stop here. No way do I want to gain the almost 100 pounds back. Not going to happen.

My plan? A big piece of paper on the counter to write down the calories of everything I eat today, note how much water I drink and whether there was sweat sometime during the day. The big three: food, water, exercise. It will be a visual reminder that I want this gone in a week. Each day for the next week, there will be another piece of paper on the counter. One day at a time. It is here that I must mention that the doctor was not concerned as I have been stable for such a long time, but I can feel the extra weight and I don't like it.

This morning, I am going to the rehab class after picking up the camellia blossoms in the yards. Oh, the gardens. Yesterday, the Governor demanded water cuts of 25%. We will not be watering the front yard anymore as the plants are less expensive out there than in the back. Easier to replace when the drought is over. But, it is so sad to lose all my work. Years of work.

I was thinking back to the days of the first water restrictions. It was also the same era of long gasoline lines and lots of different groups were out of strike. No water, no gas and no services. It was a very bleak time. We had always watched our water and electricity usage, well taught by my parents. Because we were so careful, when they required water cuts, there was no where for us to cut! It was so bad that we could not take showers, just a quick splash. I swore at that time that if the drought ever ended, we would never restrict our water usage again. Those of us who were always careful had the same percentage of reductions as the water hogs. Just not fair. I think that each household should be allowed so much water per person. Period. That would level the playing field.

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