Wednesday, September 16, 2015

An Unusual Day

It was rather weird to have so much attention focused on me for so many hours yesterday. I am just not used to that! Seven people invaded the house, were thrilled with the spread of food and the Nespresso machine, the light streaming through the living room, the gardens and the ocean. They were on a tear to photograph 20 people in five days. The photographer was from LA, the computer guy (really didn't understand what he was doing but it was so important that they flew him in from NYC), the interviewer from Marin County, the photo producer and two assistants from SF, another woman stayed the night in our little town and the founder of this national ad agency was a pure delight!

Why? I haven't really said, yet. My university hospital is going to include our stories and photos in a variety of places this fall. Three of the twenty people will also be filmed for TV commercials. I have not been chosen for that and totally understand why after hearing about the other people. I have been through nothing in comparison.

So, my photo may be on buses in the city or BART stations, billboards or print ads in a month or so. Michael has suggested that we should stalk the buses and take a selfie.

While out along the ocean cliffs, the whales were going wild the entire time! They usually don't come so close to shore in this one area but they were breaching like crazy. The out-of-town people were thrilled. "There's one! There's another! Did you see that?" Cute. While they were taking my photo with the whales far in the background, I wanted to yell, "Cue the whales!"

The gardens looked pretty good, even without the annuals and with the brown grass. We took several photos there as well as walking along the cliffs, playing the piano, playing my string bass and reading.

They arrived at 8:30AM and out the door by 11:00 except for the interviewer. She was interesting. Her dad had just been diagnosed with IPF. I so hope I helped her with information. It is not that I am so brilliant but I have learned a lot. I'm just a bit further down the road. My biggest suggestion was to get him out and moving everyday so we found a pulmonary rehab class in his area. He will feel so much better, stronger, more stamina and in control of his breathing and body after the initial eight-week rehab classes. I can't guarantee him a longer life but I can guarantee him a better quality of life.

Oddly, it was surprising to be exhausted afterwards. I suddenly felt sorry for all models and actors. It's a lot of work, having to smile. I slept like a baby last night, will take it easy today so I will be awake for orchestra rehearsal tonight.

Life goes on.

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