Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Back Home Again!

It's Tuesday at 2:30 and we are home. What a morning! Traffic was horrible up to the farthest campus of my university hospital deep into the city. It took almost all of my two hours to get there, usually a 45-minute jaunt. The doctor was running late. She took one look at all the spot circled in red ink and started to laugh. She loved it! After freezing about thirty pre-cancerous spots on my legs, arms, back and face(!), we hugged and I ran to the car. Michael was a-waitin'.

He left just after I did this morning and drove William's mustang to his friend's garage for storage for a couple of weeks. I had to pick him up there after my appointment, we drove to that fantastic restaurant right on the water and we split a crab sandwich. It was delightful. Afterwards, we drove down the coast, the water was calm, the tide was in and there was no wind but very cold. We bought presents for the housekeepers and I am making Sugar-Glazed Walnuts for the rehab staff today for delivery on Thursday along with Amazon cards.

Christmas music is on Pandora, I am going to start baking, the house is toasty warm and all is right with the world.

Until tomorrow.

I have to drop Michael off north of us then find my way to the nutritionist's office, just one floor above where I went today. After I see him, I have to jump in the car and drive cross town to the main campus of my university hospital to see Dr. K. Going to be an interesting appointment. I am not feeling great so we will see what she thinks about it all. And I get to go to orchestra rehearsal afterwards. A very, long, exhausting day ahead.

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