Friday, March 18, 2016

Very Touched

In my daily life, I try my best to be mindful of others, offer support and help and keep moving forward. Yesterday, it happened at my mom's bank where she met with her favorite person to discuss a problem. She loves him because of his piano fingers. As it happens, he plays the piano, listens to movie soundtracks on YouTube and plays everything by ear. He never learned how to read music. After our conversation and my recommendation, he was going to take a music theory class at the local community college. It will push his aspirations to write music for computer games forward. 

Earlier in the day, we were in the waiting room of mom's eye doctor and began a chat with a lovely lady wearing green. Her grandson arrived, sat down and joined our conversation. She was called in but he stayed with us. After simple questions, he told us he just graduated from a university. He was now an engineer and looking for a job. I mentioned the great music program at that university, he shared that he played trumpet and trombone with them plus sang with their chorus. I told him about a local chorus plus invited his trombone playing brain to our little community orchestra. We really need trombones! If he finds a job locally, I have a feeling I will be seeing him again. He entered the name of the orchestra in his phone. A good sign.

But, what brought tears to my eyes was to be on the other end of these type of conversations. I got an email from my friend Lois, who I met at the other rehab over ten years ago. We became friends. She was exercising 2.5 hours a day to fight third stage breast cancer. She was also a drug designer and involved in DNA testing in her real life. She has taught me so much about new drugs and pathways. I told her about having to have the colonoscopy next week, she offered a lot of support and information that I didn't know, which made me feel better. But, it was the final paragraph that got to me:

Your cheerfulness and ability to deal with your lung disease by proper dieting and exercise and helping other
people cope with their disease, including the doctors, has always been inspirational to me and lots of other people.  So take care, and please let me know what they find.  I am more than willing to delve into the latest research results and recommend, or disrecommend any possible treatment.

I am so blessed.

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