Saturday, October 22, 2016

Playing the Ranch

Everything flowed really well yesterday and I was ready to hop in the car to get to the ranch right at 4:30. It was only a short distance down the coast. A working ranch. A ranch owned by a university. The woman who had moved them forward these past three years was off to tackle a new challenge. It was to be a goodbye party for her. This was the same ranch that mom and I had visited many summers with Barbara's Day Care kids, as they had camps and fun tours for kids.

We were set to play up in the big barn next to the sheep and horses. Right next to the sheep. Did I mention the smell? It was...strong. Overwhelming. After a bit, I tried not to notice it but as the event unfolded, we could smell when one of the sheep let loose. At one point, we realized we had to move some wires as they tried to get to them for a good chew. But all in all, they seemed to really like the music and were calm and quiet all night.

We were supposed to be playing but we had no audience so we were taking photos and videos and just messing around when the woman came to invited us down the hill to the picnic area for dinner. Nice. We ate quickly then I took the long, slow walk back up the hill. Thankfully, I brought my oxygen so I was slow but fine.

We set up but didn't have to wait for long. People began to come into the barn. Pretty soon the barn was filled with happy, dancing people. Toasts were made to the outgoing head and there were lots of tears. She will be missed. Then, she danced the night away.

We had a ball. Best venue yet, despite the smells.

I was home by 9:00 to find Michael dozing on the couch in the living room where he spent the night. We both took an Aprodine so we are feeling pretty good this morning.

Kid party today. Outside. In a park. We will probably meet British Don there and stay only as long as we need to.

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