Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Surrounded by Passionate People

Got my errands done before the rehab class where I worked out so hard that I was dripping wet when checking out. It felt great. I crawled home, made a simple dinner then went next door for the Irish Fiddling rehearsal for Friday night's gig. It was fun.

The singer/guitarist, Dave had written a song about his family's journey to America from Malaysia. A couple of years ago, he lost three pivotal members of his family in quick succession - father, grandmother and uncle. His father died of a massive heart attack, his maternal grandmother died of old age at 94-years old, but it was his uncle's passing that really was filled with life lessons for him. His uncle was a man who lived his life to the fullest. At his request, Dave flew to Malaysia with his ashes and scattered some in the gardens of a mansion high in the hills where his uncle had very fond memories. Then, Dave was able to carry his ashes in a full Balinese ceremony to a specific beach for the final scattering. He said the entire experience was so surreal and deeply moving and so different from funerals here in the US. It was almost like a dream and he wondered if it really happened long after he got home.

It was good song. I watched his fingers to catch the chords as I didn't have any music and fell in love with the 3/4 waltz time of the piece. It was almost a dance.

I have been playing with these people for only six-months. It was just to be for fun but I have developed such deep feelings for each person that it has so enhanced my life. Musical, deeply emotional and passionate people. Pretty nice.

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