Friday, March 3, 2017

Two Appointments in Two Days

I am sick of driving and sick of traffic. The two trips into the city for doctor's appointments in two days was enough, thank you very much!

Wednesday, it was Liver Clinic morning for a Fibroscan at noon. No food for three hours beforehand and I remember the scan I had two years ago took about thirty minutes. I arrived 45-minutes early, they took me right in, I had the sonogram of my liver and it took a total of 10-minutes. Done before my appointment time! I am considered stable so I don't expect to hear from the doctor unless something is very wrong. We will talk about the results of this test during our next phone appointment.

Thursday, I left the house at 5:45AM for the 7:45AM appointment with the nutritionist. I always allow two hours to get to that area deep into the city. I was also concerned about possible commute traffic that early. In the past, I have needed every minute of the two hours but yesterday, I flew into the city, all the side streets were clear, I found street parking and made the entire trip in 45-minutes. I was really early. Nothing was opened. I sat in the car then sat in the lobby of the building as the elevator would not allow me onto the 5th floor until 7:30AM. It was cold. It was cold in my car. It was cold in the lobby. I was very happy to finally arrive in the office where it was warm.

I had not seen the nutritionist since AUGUST! I couldn't believe it. Through a few misunderstandings, I thought he had left the practice. Finally, I figured it out and made this appointment. I told him my story and made him promise never to leave me! He promised! So, there I was. I had not stepped on a scale since August. There were the holidays and the vacation to Palm Springs and a visit with William since the last weigh-in. I was nervous. I felt I was going to be 2-3 pounds heavy. I stepped on the scale. I was a pound less than the last weigh-in and weighed less than I have weighed since 1989. Wow. Deep relief!

Next week, I am going wedding dress shopping. We have two weddings this summer and I am going to buy a nice, summer dress.

Mom and I are together today. No plans but expecting fun.

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