Friday, September 29, 2017

Looking Forward to a Quiet Weekend

Last day of rehab class for a week was yesterday. I iced down my knee when I got home then wrapped it. In the middle of the night, I checked it and it was flat! No swelling! I was thrilled but this morning, the swelling is back. What happened? This weekend, it will be iced and wrapped and maybe settled in by Monday. I hope.

Sleep did not happen last night. I was awake at 9 then 10 then 11 until 3 then slept until 5:30. There is going to be a lot of coffee to get me through the day as I will be with mom. Before seeing her, I will do my Trader Joe run then leave the stuff in her refrigerator for the day. She wants to clothes shop at JCP, so that's the plan.

My weekend plans are to take care of the knee, nap, read all the rules for the Christmas AirB&B to be sure I have jumped through all the hoops, order my prescription drugs for mail delivery and water the yard. I plan to do a lot of cooking, too. I am trying a new breakfast recipe, which is perfect for my diet and I need to make something for Michael's breakfasts plus our dinners.

Breathing? Surprisingly good. The weather has shifted, it is cooler and not so humid. My numbers in rehab were very good and I felt like I had a workout yesterday. Since I have been watching my diet closely, I suddenly feel lean so that always makes me happy.

Next week: doctors. Lots of doctors!

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