Wednesday, December 6, 2017


The cell phone was out on the counter and I had been taking it room to room with me as I picked up the kitchen, living room and family room yesterday morning when I needed to make a quick run to the bathroom. Televisions were on in several rooms and I was only gone just minutes when I glanced at the cell phone upon my return to the family room. THE SURGEON HAD PHONED! Oh no! A week of hauling the phone around on my body so I would not miss his call and I MISSED HIS CALL! I will admit to saying a few bad words out loud. He left a message to phone him back. I did. Three times. It was so upsetting. It had been over a week of worry of possible stomach cancer, which would preclude me from the process of lung transplants. It has been a very long week, emotionally.

Jeannie and I went to the rehab class but she could tell I was upset and very frustrated. I just wanted to know the results of the biopsy and the next steps regarding the fix to my Nissan fundoplication. Thankfully, I had a good workout and felt better on our way home. I did have to tell Michael that I had missed the call and we were going to have to drive to the city today to meet with the surgeon.

That's what we were planning last evening after dinner. I was just about to get ready for the Irish Fiddling rehearsal in preparation of a gig on Friday night when my cell phone rang. It was the surgeon's number.

He told me that the stomach biopsy was fine. Normal. No pre-cancerous anything anywhere. The problem was the Nissen wrap for the acid reflux I had in 2009 was loose and needed to be re-done but the fatality rate was very high when it had to re-done. I asked if he had experience re-doing the procedure, which I learned was the difference between success and death of the redo surgery, and he said that he had no experience. Yikes. I mentioned that Dr. K. said that the drugs would not be enough to keep the acid reflux down. I also mentioned that the lung transplant process could not go forward with acid reflux and micro-aspirations flowing into my lungs.

There was a long pause. He reviewed all of my tests once again. Another pause.

It was then that I mentioned that I was going to meet with Dr. K. a week from today and I could ask her to review the tests. He said that was probably the next step and asked that Dr. K. contact him after our appointment. They will talk then bring me into the conversation. The decision on the way to move forward would be made by the three of us. Surgery? Medication? Watch and wait?

The drama continues.

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