Monday, January 22, 2018

Pursed-Lipped Breathing

The inhaler was out in the living room where Michael was sleeping when I began coughing in the bedroom around 1AM. It was ugly. Suddenly, I was very short of breath, wheezing and uncontrollable coughing. Trying to take some kind of control, I began focusing on pursed-lipped breathing. It began to work. The wheezing stopped, I didn't feel the shortness of breath and the coughing began to come under control.

Pursed-lipped breathing is what we were taught in the rehab class so many years ago. I still use it if I am facing a flight of stairs or packing the car with groceries or anything I need an extra boost of oxygen. Inhale through the nose then exhale very slowly out pursed lips. It brings the saturation rate right up.

I have two simple goals today: shower and make deviled eggs for Michael's breakfasts. There will also be a few naps throughout the day. Mom phoned Michael last evening. He is to drop by her place after lunch today to pick up some magazines and other goodies for me. Still such a great mom. Chip and Betty phoned from New Mexico and we chatted for almost an hour. Such good people.

I feel like I am moving forward everyday but I realize that I will need to see my local doctor for their approval to return to rehab. I want to be sure that I am no longer contagious after the antibiotics for the pneumonia. I also have a feeling that rehab will want a note to insure I have doctor's approval to return.

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