Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Worried about Mom

About 7:00PM, my cell phone gave a quick one ring then showed it was from mom. I tried calling right back and learned it had come from her Jitterbug cell phone. My call went right to voicemail. I tried her house phone and it also went right to voicemail. Hmmm. Maybe my sister was calling the house phone and they were talking.

I called each phone on and off for an hour.

There is a Fire Dispatch web site on my computer where I can see problems in the county but it also allows me to see if the fire department has been called to my mom's complex. I checked and they were there.

I began to really worry.

Around 8:00PM, Michael said to throw on some clothes and let's go over the pass to her place. Off we went. I so hoped she was fine, maybe the phone was off the hook or some other problem. We arrived, almost ran up the stairs and my heart felt better when I saw that her bathroom light was on. Michael was ahead of me, knocked loudly on the door, opened it with my key and said, "It's empty!"

My heart just stopped.

I ran in, the front room/kitchen was dark then I tried her closed bedroom door, which was locked. I knocked while loudly saying, "Mom! Hi mom! It's us" I heard movement, the door opened and I was never so happy to see her. She was ready for bed and we caught her brushing her teeth. We hugged each other so hard.

Michael headed to her refrigerator for some special chocolate milk and her stash of goodies while we talked. Apparently, her cable went out as her TV and phones were not working. She had called Comcast on her Jitterbug and they were going to call her in the morning.

I was looking around and it just didn't make sense. Yes, the TVs and phones were down but some lights and clocks in both rooms were also not working. It clearly wasn't a cable issue but an electricity issue. With a cookie in his hand, Michael asked if she had a fuse box. Yes! He opened it and found that a switched had popped. He switched it on and we watched her Comcast modem begin to light and suddenly, the phones and the TVs worked. She was thrilled. She had TV! She had her computer! She had lights!

We stayed a bit longer, chatted a bit then I promised to see her on Friday for her shot in her eye.

It turned out fine in the end but boy, it was a wild ride!

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