It was a weird drive to the city. I had problems the entire drive in and home. Little things like the entire section of the trip was closed due to roadwork. Since the street parking is now so impossible near the hospital, I finally threw in the towel and pulled into the expensive parking structure. While walking to the elevator, two things happened. The woman who drives me crazy at the ILD Support Group meetings pulled up in her car. She was on her way to the Weight Management meeting with Mr. B, we agreed to meet at the Starbucks across the street and I continued to the elevator. There, on a big sign, was a notice to bring my disability placard with me for a discount. Discount?!? Thank you!
We met at Starbucks, talked about the diet and I actually began to liked her as we crossed the street together for our different appointments.
Dr. F. is young and so very beautiful. She has a hip SF edge to her and I make her laugh. She walked in the door and said, "You look fantastic!" How could I not love her! I pointed out all of my new spots - three on the left hand, one on the inside of the left knee, one on the top of the left foot, one high on my right thigh and two on my right hand that had been "burned" off at the last appointment but had returned. She grabbed her little ice torch and went to work. Then she paused. One on my right hand looked suspicious. She looked a bit closer. She wanted a biopsy.
The photo is of the biopsy site then the other, looking like a water blister, is where she zapped another spot. It is going to take time for all the spots to scab over and heal. It will take even longer for the biopsy patch to heal. Dr. F. will phone with the results of the biopsy as soon as she gets the report.
So, back to the car. After showing the disability placard, the cashier said, "The discounted flat rate is $12.00 for disability." I paid. It was then he said, "Next time, ask the doctor's office for this little card and parking will be free." Yes, it was the same little card I use on the other campus. The last time I was on this campus three years ago, they did not have the little cards. I didn't know! From now on, I will be able to park in the parking structure instead of searching for street parking. Ah, the little things in life!
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