The levels were not too high but could become an issue during the future lung transplant process. Because of that, the liver and endo doctors both agreed that we must treat it aggressively.
It was a two-pronged attack.
It has been almost two months of taking a specific fish oil from Trader Joe's (in the blue and green box) with meals. I have increased the dosage to four a day - two at breakfast and two at dinner. Dr. M., the endocrinologist, is rather interested in seeing if this level of fish oil is going to have any positive effects to my inflammation-based lung disease as fish oil is very anti-inflammatory.
I was advised by an RN at the rehab class that it is wise to take the Lipitor in the evening so any possible effect would not be felt.
My report - I noticed one slight problem. After working my way up to four fish oil caplets, I felt a slight uncomfortable feeling for two days. It took a bit to realize it was caused by the fish oil but I remembered that Dr. M. warned me that it might occur. The Lipitor? Nothing.
Tomorrow, I am going to drive into the city to get a fasting blood test to see how I am doing at an appointment with Dr. M. in two weeks.
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