Sunday, November 12, 2017

Slept Through

I slept throughout the day yesterday, right up to 30-minutes before walking over to the neighbors at 4:00. They were hosting a family and friends pre-Thanksgiving dinner for thirty people. We stayed for appetizers and lots of conversations. Most of the relatives this year were from Mike's side of the family, who we had never met before. Lisa's mom was there, which is always a treat. Their daughter had just returned from a vacation in Cuba and their son was visiting from Colorado. It was great to spend time with both of them.

We walked home, ate a light dinner and I promptly fell asleep on the couch.

Last night, I woke up around 2AM and was wheezing and coughing. Not wanting to awaken Michael, I grabbed my pillow and a blanket and headed to the living room. After using my inhaler, both the wheeze and cough calmed down so I was able to drift back to sleep.

My goal today? Only one: water the pots. Michael is going to cut the grass for me so I will water this afternoon. This morning? I have a feeling there will be another nap. It was such a busy week, I really need to recover.

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