Thursday, April 29, 2010


I often mention my routine so I thought I would share it with you. A routine was very important to me after I left work as I felt so lost and out of the main stream.

We usually are up around 7:00, Michael makes coffee while I read all my sites on the Internet and the local morning paper on line. After he leaves around 8:00, I make the bed, pick up the house, make a list of things I have to do that day, put on my makeup, do my hair, and get dressed. I fill a large bottle of water and my oxygen tank to take with me.

Currently, I leave the house most days around 9:30 to either the other rehab on M-W-F or to run errands before the rehab class at 12:30 on T-Th.

Mondays around 4:00, Natalie and Winnie often visit if they are well. Wednesdays are orchestra rehearsal nights and Fridays will find us out on the patio in the early evenings talking about our week and listening to music.

Food shopping happens on Mondays after I work out at the other rehab. I shower only twice a week as it takes a lot out of me. Most Saturdays will find me in the gardens.

One of the reasons I started writing the blog, is the horrible time between 2-4 in the afternoon. This is such a dead time for me, especially if I can’t do anything in the garden. I needed something to keep my mind active.

I usually write the blog a few days ahead as I fear that I won’t have anything to publish! Sometimes, when I am in a good groove and have lots to say, I may even write a couple of weeks in advance. That is more rare.

Writing has been so good for my soul, it is a document to be left to my family, and it fulfilled the need for brain activity.

Thank you so much for being part of it.


Jill said...

Well, I finally got to catch up a little. I love knowing what you've got going on and I'm so glad your still blogging! Think I got my friends cold, so we'll have to wait to see each other.

Anonymous said...

Have a great time on your trip. Stay well!