Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cold, Again

I am sick.

Sneezing, blowing and coughing.
Coughing a lot at night.
The cozy couch in the family room is far enough way from Michael so he can sleep.

I feel just awful.

It came on around Thursday and hit with a vengeance on Saturday. I went into full attack mode:  Vick’s Vapor Rub on the bottom of my feet and antihistamine at night, Airborne and Zicam throughout the day and lots of soup. Today’s was a kale, onion, garlic, Yukon potatoes, organic chicken broth with small pieces of turkey kielbasa sausage soup. Made my nose run!

I am seeing Dr. K. later this week and know that she is going to hear a lot of gunk (technical term!) in my lungs. At first, I thought I was hearing a small cat when I realized that the noises were coming from my lungs when I exhaled. Scary.

This can be passed on to others so I am not going to rehab until I see her.

On a positive note, I have had no appetite and may have lost a few pounds!


Jin said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling well! I'm working with Zicam and would like to share with you a coupon for $2 off Zicam Extreme Congestion Relief Nasal Gel. Visit http://bit.ly/aZLzSy for the coupon. :)

Anonymous said...

Already take it, thanks.